Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Trial Landing at Puttaparthi

There was a quiet excitement in the squadron. A VIP flight to a new destination. The President  of India  wanted to visit Sai Baba at Puttaparthi  and have his blessing.. Satya Sai Baba was a famous Saint, a living God for his followers. His Ashram is at Puttaparthi a small village  in Andhra Pradesh State in Southern India. Sai baba had millions of disciples which included Heads of States and Kings. I had visited Puttaparthi earlier in 1987 as part of a pilgrimage just after my marriage.  My friend and room mate in Trivandrum had a deep connection with Sai Baba and Puttaparthi. He had told me many wonderous tales of Sai Baba and Puttaparthi.  Puttaparthi lies directly on the flight path from Bangalore to Hyderabad and we had seen the Ashram  many times from the air.
I wanted to renew this connection to Sai Baba and Puttaparthi  so wished to do the flight.
A roster was maintained in the squadron  for all VIP flights so that these flights are equally done by all the posted crew. I checked the list and noted that I didn't figure in the top. I wanted to go to Puttaparthi and quietly prayed that I should be nominated for the flight. Just before pack up time the flight Commander asked to see me. Normally that meant some trouble I started worrying. Then a sudden thrill passed my body and I knew that this was different. I saluted and walked into the office. The flight commander continued his work and casually asked me,’Do  you know where is Puttaparthi?' I told him I had visited Puttaparthi by road and had seen the Ashram from the air. ‘Oh that's  great you have done ground and air recce.’  ‘Why don't you go and do a trail landing.’ I couldn't believe my ears. My silent prayer had been almost instantly answered.   ‘Tomorrow  please do all the planning and trail landing can be two days later.’  I just remained silent and thanked  Sai Baba. It was a strong held believe in india that no man can visit a holy place unless the deity there calls. So this was surely Sai Baba calling me. 
My neighbour and good friend Chandru was to be my my co pilot for this flight. Puttaparthi is surrounded by hills and the Chitravati River  flowed nearby. Since it was a newly constructed runway it wasn't marked on our maps. We studied the maps for obstacles and hill features. We spent some time doing a detailed analysis of landing and take off performance.
 It was a bright and sunny day in Delhi when we took off for Puttaparthi. The longish flight took us past Agra, Bhopal, Nagpur and Hyderabad. We commenced descent and reached over head Puttaparthi. We carried out a visual circuit a low pass and a go around. On the second approach we landed on the newly constructed runway.  The first by a large Air Force aeroplane. The main wheel touched down smoothly. Then I lowered the nose wheel gently on to the runway and called  for propeller braking and started squeezing the toe brakes. The Avro rapidly decelerated. On the landing roll a thought passed my mind and said it aloud. ‘I think half the runway should have been good enough.’Puttaparthi runway at that time was about 4000 feet long.
 The ATC controller was keen to have an immediate debrief. We transmitted that we would come to the control tower a give a detailed report. We taxied to the apron and shutdown the aircraft. The ATC controller said he would come down to meet us.
The ATC officer walked briskly towards us and was appearing to be vey excited. He was the first to talk. In an animated voice he told us,’I  just informed Sai Baba that the Air Force aircraft has landed.’ What he said next was like a bolt out of the sky and took us straight out to another dimension. The ATC officer continued and said Sai Baba had just told him that the trail was successful and the pilot had informed Sai baba that half the runway should be sufficient. My copilot Chandru, the navigator and I were stupefied and confused. We looked at each other's face for an explanation. We couldn't comprehend what was happening. We asked the ATC officer again. ‘ What are you saying? Can you explain.’ The ATC officer repeated his message. ‘I spoke to Sai Baba as soon as your aircraft landed to inform him about the same. I told Baba that the aircraft has landed and the  pilot will give a detailed report. At that point Sai baba had told him don't worry the trail landing was successful and the pilot has already informed him that half the runway length would have been good enough.’
How did Sai baba hear what we had spoken in the cockpit. As children we had learnt that God watches over our every deed and word. Millions of Sai babas disciples believe that Sai baba is God on earth and here we had seen a clear demonstration of that Divine  power.

Chandru fought a valiant battle against cancer and recently  passed on into the brighter world. As cherished memories of a dear friend shoot past my mind this singular event signalling a deeper divine connection jumped into my consciousness. Farewell dear friend till we meet again.


  1. A beautiful experience shared. May your friend's soul rest in peace.

  2. A beautiful experience shared. May your friend's soul rest in peace.

  3. Thank you Anita God bless him

  4. Sai Baba is Siddha Purusha. They can read your thoughts and come to you in subtle form. For common people like us it may be a wonder.

  5. Sai Baba is Siddha Purusha. They can read your thoughts and come to you in subtle form. For common people like us it may be a wonder.

  6. Great experiences they really encourage us onto the Divine path.

    1. Anonymous you have grasped the very essence. That is exactly the purpose of my blog may God bless you my friend

  7. Believe in him and he is sure to guide you.May your friend's soul rest in peace.

    1. Believe in him and he is sure to guide you.May your friend's soul rest in peace.

    2. Believe in him and he is sure to guide you.May your friend's soul rest in peace.

  8. Believe in him and he is sure to guide you.May your friend's soul rest in peace.

  9. A beautiful experience well narrated.
    Keep pouring in more..

  10. Thanks Ashish for the encouragement many more are waiting
