Sunday, 8 May 2016

Encounter With Shiva Baba.

The door bell rang at six in the morning at our home in Gandhinagar. Initially we thought it must be the milk boy but the persistent ring conveyed an urgency. So I jumped out of bed and rushed to the door. I was shocked to see my banker friend Ramesh waiting. The expression of his face showed great excitement. He had found a treasure that he wanted to immediately share with me. He insisted that I get ready at once and accompany him. His excitement was infectious which i couldn't resist. My wife was aghast that I was willing to follow a crazy man on a wild goose chase. It was surely a mad rush that made me get ready in ten minutes and follow Ramesh to Ananthu's house. Loud chanting of Sanskrit hymns welcomed us as we entered Ananthakrishnan's first floor house. I asked Ramesh if he had met Shiva Baba before and was surprised that this was going to our first meeting. After customary greeting to all the friends and neighbours who had assembled for the morning satsang we settled in one corner. A few photo's of various Gods, oil lamps and incense sticks made the atmosphere serene. The bhajans that had just started electrified the room. Then a sudden hush as The Shiva Baba entered the room he appeared well rounded but not fat and wore reddish orange robes. His face was cheerful. He wished all of us and headed directly to Ramesh and asked him in Tamil, 'Where has Ganesha gone'. Ramesh was dumb struck by this question and mumbled, 'Swami I have lost it.'  Shiva Baba casually told Ramesh,'don't worry it's not lost it just came back to me.' With cool wave of his hand he handed something tiny to Ramesh. Ramesh couldn't believe what was happening. Ramesh had had a long association with a crystal Ganesha. He had shown it to me a few months earlier. He had mentioned that his wife had got it from Nepal and he carried it in his pocket at all times. His wife was always worried that Ramesh would lose it and had suggested that the Ganesha be made into a locket on a gold chain. About a month earlier Ramesh had recounted the loss and miraculous recovery of the crystal Ganesha. He had parked his car near Law Garden and had just stepped out when he had noticed the loss. Both husband and wife had desperately searched the road and sidewalk for almost an hour in the dark using a torch. They had been elated to recover their talisman just a few feet from their car. Even I had suggested he secure it to chain on that occasion. Just a week later the Ganesha had been lost under very similar circumstances. Their luck had not held this time around. Ramesh had been mentally drained by the loss and had mentioned it to me many times.
Today's turn of events was unbelievable. None in the room except Ramesh and I had known about the valuable idol or its loss. Shiva Baba had mined this deep memory right out our minds. He had materialised a replica. Ramesh was totally lost in the elation. He confirmed to me again and again it is the same one that he had lost. I was not too sure but was convinced by Ramesh.
 The Bhajans resumed, every one present was singing out loud. The Baba too joined in with a gusto. Then a sudden thrill a large monkey had joined the bhajan group. Some of us instinctively got up to chase the simian. We were forced to sit down by a wave from the Baba. He just said Hanuman has come. The monkey climbed slowly on to the dining table and picked up a few bananas. Wonder of wonders it didn't eat it but offered it to God. Then it slowly it looked around and moved to the Baba and gave him a hug. Hanuman instinctively knew the man of peace. The monkey remained in bhajan group for a few more minutes and then it was out of the room as swiftly as it had come. The only thought that ran through most us present. The monkey too had just come to have Baba's darshan.
I was silently meditating on the spectacular events of the morning. I was woken up from the short reverie by Ramesh.  The Baba was now siting next to me and told me,'I know about your meditation. I want to present you something that will help.' The Baba tapped my shoulder and made a small wave and Lo there was a Tulasi mala in his closed fist. This he presented me. I examined it. I had used a Tulasi mala for many years. This one was bright and had a copper wire to hold the mala. My emotions and thoughts were in turmoil and then I started to laugh. The Baba's happy jovial face turned dark. I innocently asked him where did this come from. He told me in a soft voice,' You will understand only much later. Though it is made of enameled copper wire from a factory and the roots of a Tulasi plant its essence is from the knotted hair of the ascetics. This is a blessing to move you up the path. So don't mock without understanding.' Though I was not convinced that day. I accepted the gift whole-heartedly and bowed to the Baba for his compassion. Our paths have never crossed again. Ramesh too moved to Calcutta and the waves of our individual karma has taken its own direction.
But thank you dear friend for with out you and your enthusiasm that day I would never have witnessed the events that unfolded in Gandhinagar.


  1. It takes courage to tell personal stories and these are precious stories! Thank you for sharing! Your journey on the spiritual path is truly blessed! Keep going!

  2. This is just the beginning, would love to know more about your journey.

  3. It's amazing how you can recall and depict the same in such detail incidents that have happened considerable period ago.

    1. Thanks Milind time is only a concept of the mind these are ever fresh

  4. Nice and can understand the mind power

  5. Nice and can understand the mind power
